What is the MANDALA™?

The MANDALA™ promotes the intersection of technology, spirituality, environmentalism and entertainment via social-networking sites, online games, graphic novels and films, all in creative convergence with the real world. The mission of MANDALA™ is to offer to a wide and diverse global audience a broad set of options for engagement with the “save the world” meme through a variety of new and traditional media, utilizing “edutainment” as a vehicle to stimulate active audience participation in creating a healthy and sustainable future for the planet.

Simply put, MANDALA™ uses entertainment and a cross-media story to help reach a critical mass of Rainbows around the world. This is what it’s going to take to make the next evolutionary leap.

We use the cosmic Tree of Life of the Kabbalah to illustrate the different stages of our project and how it will help lead to the awakening of the critical mass. As we release new aspects of the story and grow the Tree, step by step, our growing audience around the world will make the dream more and more real – until ultimately MANDALA™ can serve as a real model of collective enlightenment.

The symbol on the left represents the ancient wisdom of the East and West meeting, with kundalini arising through the chakras of the cosmic Tree of Life. Using art instead of religion or politics, we have created a story to shift consensus reality and the current narrative. MANDALA™ provides a focal point for the mass consciousness, in order for the creative energy of awakening to build to a point where the truth will break through. As this happens, the Rainbows on the planet will become more and more aware of one another and begin to self-organize as one creative, coordinated whole.

If enough of us wake up, we all wake up.